Programmes were self-contained, although there was continuity within the series, and sometimes a
reference to a previous episode might be made. A normal episode consisted of Sub Lieutenant Phillips, scheming Chief Petty Officer Pertwee and bemused Lt.
Murray trying to get out of trouble they created for themselves without their direct superior, Commander
(later Captain) “Thunderguts” Povey finding out. Scenes frequently featured a string of eccentric characters, often played by Ronnie Barker or Jon Pertwee.
The series used accents and characterised voices to supplement the humour, as well as a good deal of
innuendo.The programme also featured musical breaks with a main harmonica theme by Tommy Reilly and severalenduring catchphrases,most notably from Sub Lieutenant Phillips: “Corrrrr”, “Ooh, nasty…”, “Oh lumme !”, and “Left hand down a bit”.
“Everybody down!” was a phrase of CPO Pertwee’s, necessitated by a string of incomprehensible navigation
orders by Phillips, and followed by a sound effect of the ship crashing.Also, whenever Pertwee had some menial job to be done, Able Seaman Johnson was always first in line to do it, inevitably against his will: “You’re rotten, you are ! “. The telephone response from Naval Intelligence (Ronnie Barker), was always an extremely gormless and dimwitted delivery of “‘Ello, Intelligence ‘ere” or “This is intelligence speakin'”.
Other recurring verbal features were the invented words “humgrummits” and “floggle-toggle” which served to cover all manner of unspecified objects ranging from foodstuffs to naval equipment.
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