M J Dobson Group
Item Description

This is well advanced and allows setting up schematics and presenting simulation results in various types of diagrams. DC, AC, S-parameter, noise and transient analysis is possible, mathematical equations and use of a sub-circuit hierarchy (with parameterised sub-circuits) are available. It can also import existing SPICE models for use in your simulations.
It comes with an array of components and models. Third party models including HICUM, BSIM2, BSIM3 and BSIM6 can be compiled and loaded into the simulator. It also provides many semiconductor based components and models such as OpAmps, Diodes, MOSFETs, PMOSFETs and many more. Some example schematics can be found here which demonstrate some of the abilities , and many more examples are provided with the program.
Fully compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 – Windows 11 & 11

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